• The Lemon Papers

  • Shall we make lemonade, sugar?

Enjoying Food

Making food for the people you love is satisfaction.


Strength is not limited to physical ability; it’s present in resolve, character, and love.

Breakfast for Mom

Breakfast recipes for Mother’s Day

Cheeky Tagline

A quote worth retelling…

Where do you want to go?

As children we know what we like, what we enjoy. Our strengths are derived from that, and they are sign posts as to what we would find fulfilling in a job.


Timeless icons…a brief list of some classic looking brides.


Home…my place of comfort and sanctuary.

Angry Love…?

If we are to love our neighbors as our selves, I think we need to pay attention more to those around us and love them before we can help those outside our ‘world’.

Alabama…instead of Sinatra??

Does Alabama’s music surpass that of Sinatra’s when it comes to music with lots of feeling?


Upstairs Downstairs

Upstairs Downstairs on Masterpiece Theatre…my opinion on it.